LIL-CON #2 - REVENGE OF THE DICE! - Gaming and Events Convention

By SickboY ProductionZ INC. (other events)

Saturday, May 2 2015 12:00 PM 11:00 PM EDT

Sickboy Productionz, and Ichiban Games, presents... LIL-CON! #2 “Revenge Of The Dice!.”

@ The American Legion Stephen Sikora Post
950 Payne ave. North Tonawanda, NY
Doors at NOON – will last until AT LEAST 11pm
$5 ticket or door – ALL AGES!



This is a small eventful convention located in the Western New York area. We are hosting this event at the American Legion Stephen Sikora Post located at 950 Payne Ave. North Tonawanda, NY. Doors at NOON, and start right away! This event will be all day and will last until at least 11PM (but we can go longer if need be so hey, GAME ON!! We will have table top games, video games, card games, vendors, panels, live music, comedy, and many events through the day. Tons of free parking for everyone as well in a safe area.

Vendors selling wonderful items such as table top / card games, video games, anime related items, comic books, horror art work, vintage toys from the 80's and 90's, and more! We'll also be selling shirts for the event for $10, so definitely pick one up!

Live musical performances from the awesome DJ-HJ spinning the tunes, and the master of all things hip hop EMCEE M.D. Spitting music from his upcoming album O.G. (Original Gamer). Plus hilarious stand up improv comedy by Dave Shwartz.

Guest appearances from the awesome wrestlers of Empire State Wrestling, and the elite ghost hunting team from Greater Western New York Paranormal Society and PIT Society.  More to be announced as well!

This year we have panels!  Many panels to be announce!


Participate in great events such as the DDR tournament, The “Most Epic Stopy Ever”, The Great Poke-ball Hunt”, the new Discovery Room, a COSPLAY CONTEST FOR A CASH PRIZE, and more!

Oh hey...did we mention there's a bar....oh yes... there is!

Definitely get come out and check out the CON.  Event schedule to be up so everyone can see very soon.



Get the flyer here and send it to your friends, they aren't going to want to miss it!

Send your friends to the event page.... we want to see them out there!


I want to prematurely give a big thank you to The Sikora Post for letting us host this awesome vent. I want to thank my amazing gaming director (and comedian of the night), David Schwartz and his wonderful helpers. A big thank you to all the vendors, musical acts, and event coordinators.... and most importantly... YOU for taking time to check this out. Without you, our gaming community isn't as strong, so hey, THANKS!

Now... go mark your calendar for... LIL-CON!